From health, to beauty, and fashion --it's all found here:

It is no surprise #Covid19 has brought our lives to a halt; as we roughly navigate through unprecedented, uncertain times our lifestyles and freedom have taken a turn leaving us with plenty of time and the awareness necessary to help us awake and "dig deep" within ourselves and wonder, "who are we" and "how much do we really need?" How can I enjoy life to the most, in despite of the limitation of resources and social distancing we are being obliged to obey?
Below is a short list of things that sincerely fill my heart, without having to spend much:

I love all type of fruits, especially blueberries for their powerful content of antioxidants and long shelf life. During #coronavirus, it is important to choose wisely, and blueberries are a great long-lasting, inexpensive choice.
Even though not pictured, bananas as a midday snack provides energy and re-purposing its "peel" as a face mask promises to eliminate any oil, acne, dark spots on the skin and to whiten your teeth -lots to smile about, beauty!

If you follow my social profiles you'll know I find lots of joy in cooking and of course, eating well while trying not to spend more than 30 to 60 minutes per day in the kitchen. Managing my time from working at home and homeschooling my two boys has never been more important.
I prefer making 15-30 minute meals which mostly consist of vegetables, proteins, and other hearty natural roots and utilizing my "kitchen time" to the max by prepping and preparing both lunches, and evening meals at the same time.

After water, tea is the most widely consumed drink in the world. 2-5 tea cups per day helps us reduce the impact of stress and combating virus, and illnesses causing harm to our human species. I'm currently obsessed with marigold, ginger, and chamomile infusions due to their powerful antioxidant and healing capabilities.
Body Essentials

The skin is the largest organ of the body; it protects from external elements, helps regulate temperature, and permits the sensation of touch & feel. Feeling good starts on the inside, but the outside has to complement in order to balance yourself. Essential oils are an "always go to" and I love the way my skin glows. Mix with a carrier oil i.e., coconut, olive or vegetable. Very inexpensive and simply miraculous!
Comfort Clothing

Freedom spells "me"working remotely - it's shameful to say I haven't been off my yoga pants, boyfriend jeans, and oversized sweaters for a few weeks now.. When it comes to shopping I prefer thrift shops. These cozy pieces are available at your local Goodwill or at a mom and pop store in your town. If you rather stay home - which is totally recommended- Amazon has a collection under $20 you might enjoy.
Thanks for reading, we look forward to hearing your tips and thoughts. Do you have a few items you can't find to live without? We would love to hear them!
Thanks and all the best!
Jinet Ventura,
Building. Connecting. Empowering Communities.